Book Review: The Lamp Maker and The Potter (Cindy Starr Stewart)

I’ve done many book reviews on the blog over the years.  I’ve reviewed books on leadership, blogging, small groups, family, marriage, parenting, fiction, and Christian living.  But I’ve never reviewed children’s books.  Today, this changes as we look at two new books by a college friend of mine, Cindy Starr Stewart.

The Lamp Maker and The Potter are two books written by Cindy.  The Lamp Maker originally released in paperback last summer.  And both books will be releasing in hardback on August 1, 2013.

Both books are written poetically with beautiful illustrations by Dan Drewes.  The books are written for kids, but the themes and messages of both books will spark deeper thought by adults.

The Lamp Maker tells the story of a lamp maker who makes lamps designed to shine his light.  The book is a reminder that we are called to let God’s light shine.

The Potter tells the story of a potter who takes a lump of clay and turns it into something amazing.  The Potter resonates with this blog as it talks about how we are STRETCHED and molded by God and by the difficulties of life until we are turned into a beautiful and useable vessel.

You can pre-order both of these books by visiting Amazon today.  Click here to order The Lamp Maker, and click here to order The Potter.

What was the last children’s book you read?  What is your favorite children’s book?