August 2013 – Top Posts and Commenters

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Here are the highlights from August 2013.  Thanks to everyone who read along and commented.  Your readership and participation in the daily discussions are what make The Stretched Community.  Thank you!  Overall, traffic was down from July (2.56%) which doesn’t surprise me considering it’s the summer time and I was in Guatemala for a week during this month.  Traffic was up 47.62% compared to a year ago.  The top 10 posts included two posts from 2012 and two posts from previous months in 2013.  The top post was a guest post by Leah Adams.  If you missed any of these posts, I hope you’ll go and check them out now by clicking below.  The post with the most engagement was Ice Breaker – What Do You Do For A Living posted on August 2, 2013.

Top 10 Posts:

  1. Stretching Past “But I Was Born This Way” (Leah Adams)  August 8, 2013 (112)
  2. Ten Things Every Small Group Leader Should Know March 7, 2012 (98)
  3. Xenacoj – Responding To Naysayers, Doubters, And Inquisitors August 20, 2013 (96)
  4. Ice Breaker – What Do You Do For A Living August 2, 2013 (59)
  5. Ice Breaker – Songs On Your Playlist March 23, 2012 (59)
  6. Riding My Bike Without Any Hands August 21, 2013 (55)
  7. I’m Losing My Patience – 6 Ways To Rediscover Patience April 2, 2013 (51)
  8. Reminders From The Optometrist August 22, 2013 (46)
  9. Ice Breaker – Rise And Shine August 23, 2013  (41)
  10. Denny August 28, 2013 (40)

Top 10 Commenters:

As promised at the beginning of the month, I have randomly chosen someone from The Stretched Newsletter subscriber list to receive a copy of The In-Between: Embracing the Tension Between Now and the Next Big Thing [A Spiritual Memoir] by Jeff Goins.  The Stretched Newsletter has become a great place to continue the Stretched conversation with new content.  So far, I’ve been pretty consistent with sending out the newsletter once a week.  This winner of this book is…(drum roll)…Dan Mazzucco.  Congrats to Dan!  To find out more about how you can get the newsletter, click here.

For the month of September, I’ll be giving away a copy of Wooden: A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections On and Off the Court.  This month, the winner will be chosen randomly from the top 10 commenters.

Thanks to each and everyone for reading and for commenting.  I’m looking forward to September with The Stretched Community!  The month of September will include a couple of book reviews, more reflection on my Guatemala trip, and a couple of visits to and from other bloggers.  September should be a fun month!

How was your month?  If you’re a blogger share a link to your top post in the comments?  What was your favorite Stretched post this month?  How were you STRETCHED in August?

In case you’re interested, here are a few other interesting stats about August (based on Google Analytics):

  • Visits – Decreased 7.01%
  • Unique Visitors – Decreased 6.01%
  • Pageviews – Decreased 3.93%
  • Pages Per Visit – Increased 3.41%
  • Average Visit Duration – Increased 2.86%
  • Bounce Rate – Decreased 4.72%
  • New Visits – Increased 0.50%