A Vision For San Antonio
On Wednesday morning in Guatemala, our team took a trip 3 miles outside of Xenacoj (a 45 minute drive). We short way requires a four-wheel drive vehicle and a stomach built for motion sickness. The longer way is mostly paved, but it is up hill and curvy. San Antonio is the home for approximately 25 families. It is a mountain top community with an amazing view and an incredible level of poverty. Most of our morning was spent feeding school children and their younger siblings who attend a small two or three classroom school in the center of this little village.
Towards the end of our visit, Dave (the missionary we were working with during our week) took a couple of us on a short walk to a small area on the edge of the village. The area was covered in grass and had an incredible view of the valley below. We could even see Xenacoj as we stood on top of this small mountain-top meadow. This is where we stopped and listed to Dave share one of his visions for San Antonio.
Here’s what Dave shared.
Imagine a place where pastors can come for retreat, for relaxation, and refocus. Imagine a place where couples can come to recharge their marriages. Imagine a place where students can be taught the Bible and other important skills that will allow them to serve other communities in Guatemala. Imagine a couple of buildings on top of this mountain top where students can learn and sleep, where pastors can reflect, and where couples can connect.
I’m sure I’m missing some of the details, but this is the general idea behind Dave’s vision.
Dave believes in this vision. I’m not sure what the timing will be for realization of this vision. Regardless, it’s inspiring to listen to these ideas, thoughts, and dreams.
So often, we become content with the same old thing. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes I think we sell our earthly lives short. We stop dreaming. We stop capturing God’s vision for our lives. We settle for life as it is instead of going after something bigger, better, and far more fulfilling.
Listening to Dave share on this hilltop reminded me of the importance of listening to God’s voice, of dreaming big dreams, and of pursuing God and the visions He’s given to us.
I’m starting to do this again. Here are some of my dreams for the future:
- To build another house in Xenacoj. No. To build 25 or more houses in Xenacoj. Our trip to Guatemala last summer and this summer showed me how helpful a simple house can be to a family in need in Xenacoj. I’d love to help in this way.
- To travel to Guatemala at least two times a year for the rest of my life. This could take some time to realize, but I believe it’s possible. There is so much work that can be accomplished in a week or two in Xenacoj. In addition, I’d love to continue the process of building relationships with those in this community that has captured my heart.
- To bring other people to Xenacoj with me. I want other people to experience what I have experienced. I want them to meet the people, to see the things, to touch the hands of the orphans and widows. I’d love to bring a group of bloggers to Xenacoj some day. I’d love to bring a group of families to Xenacoj some day. I’d love to bring a group of co-workers to Xenacoj some day. I’d love to bring members of my extended family to Xenacoj some day.
- To write a book about my experiences in Xenacoj. I think this dream is closer than I realize. I’m sure I’m writing content for this book – right now! I want to write the book for several reasons: (1) I want to share my story of Xenacoj with as many people as possible, (2) I want to follow in the footsteps of my Dad who has written a few books, (3) I want to potentially earn money that can be used to fund future ministry opportunities in Xenacoj, and (4) I want to experience the process of writing and launching a book.
I’m sure I have more dreaming to do. My trip to Guatemala rekindled my desire to dream.
Now it’s your turn.
What are you dreaming about? What visions to you have for the future? What are you doing now to realize these hopes and dreams?