A Stream of Stretching Thoughts from a Full Brain

I ran into a friend last night at Hannah’s winter orchestra concert.  He asked me how the blog was going.  I explained it was a challenging month.  My traffic has generally been rising the past several months.  I’ve been very consistent in blogging daily during the week.  But this month has been a little different.  I’ve been extremely busy with work and family activities.  I set out on at the beginning of the month intent on writing an advent post every day between December 1st and December 25th in addition to my normal blogging.  I sometimes think I may have bitten off more than I could chew.  My intention is right, but my schedule is swamped with things that have to be a priority.

I’m excited for the holidays.  I’m hoping this will be an opportunity to recharge, refocus, and reclaim my schedule.  I intend to use the next two weeks to recast my vision for 2014.  I’m excited for what is coming my way.

I took the day off from work today, and it was great!  I was able to sleep in a little bit, get a nice long run in, and spend the morning with my wife.  This afternoon, I made chicken sausage and dealt with a couple of work related calls and e-mails.  I picked up my daughter from track practice.  And I’m enjoying a few minutes to myself this evening while Leanne makes cookies, Hannah works on homework, and Isaac practices ping-pong for our big match in a few minutes.  It’s been a good day!

Sometimes writing is a stream of thoughts flowing from a mind full and a calendar crowded.

Today, I simply want to remind you to be joyful and to be thankful.  Don’t forget to sign-up for the 90 Day Thank You Note Challenge!  Click here for more details.

How was your day today?