7 Ways To Live An Inspired Life

You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.
Jack London
I’m going to let you in on a little secret about my writing.
I typically write my posts the night before it actually goes live. I often ponder the post throughout the day, and I sit down and write out the thoughts sometime between 8 and 10 PM. When I’m happy with the post, I schedule it to go “live” at 5 AM the next day.
After a busy weekend, I did that last night after I came home from youth group shortly after 9 PM. When I arrived home, I honestly didn’t have any thoughts about what my post for today. Honestly, I felt very uninspired. I sat down at the computer and pulled together a less than stellar post, and I headed up to bed. I was weary, and I was a little disappointed I hadn’t put more thought into my post earlier in the day.
As I woke up this morning, I started thinking a little more about inspiration. We all need inspiration in our lives, but too often we live uninspired lives. Why?
- Lack of inspiration happens when we are too tired. As a result, we lack the energy to put thought into our days.
- Lack of inspiration happens when we are too busy. As a result, we lack the time to soak in what is going on around us.
- Lack of inspiration happens when we aren’t intentional with how we mentally feed ourselves. As a result, we fail to fill our minds with good things – things that inspire us in a good way.
- Lack of inspiration happens when we hang out with people who drag us down.
How do we combat this problem? Deep down inside, we all want to live inspired lives not just to have a blog post idea for the next day. We want to live inspired lives to help us live lives that have meaning and matter. Today, instead of the uninspired post I wrote last night, I want to leave you with seven ways you can live an inspired life.
7 Ways To Live An Inspired Life
- Journal daily. This may take some practice, but it’s an excellent discipline for capturing thoughts on your day. When you develop the habit of writing a daily journal, you will naturally see the sources of inspiration rising up around you.
- Get sleep and exercise. You can’t expect to live an inspired life when you are running on fumes. Make sure you get ample sleep and add regular exercise, and you will begin to see inspirational things around you more often.
- Intentionally fill your mind with good things. Read God’s Word. Listen to podcasts. Read books. Listen to music. When you intentionally fill your mind with good things, you will be inspired to live your life differently.
- Get outside. Staying locked up inside your office or home prevents you from getting fresh air and prevents you from seeing the rest of the world outside your “box.” Getting outside even for short periods of time will lead to more inspiration.
- Learn to say “No.” The only way you will open up time in your busy schedule for times of inspiration is by saying “No” to some of the things that are clogging your schedule.
- Turn off the television. I don’t know what the statistics are, but I’m pretty sure too many Americans watch too much television. A little television is okay, but we should learn to limit this time. By limiting our television time, we will have more opportunity for actually living an inspired life.
- Hang out with people who lift you up. I hang out with a group of guys once a week who regularly inspire and lift me up. I hang out with a group of families twice a month who force me to get out of my comfort zone. By hanging out with people like this, you will naturally begin to look at life more positively, and you will find yourself living an inspired life.