5 Ways to Keep Your Love Life Going Strong

Guatemala 2013 400

On Monday night, Leanne and I were out for our weekly date night.  (Last week, I shared 7 Ways To Help Your Marriage Today.  #3 on the list was “practice a regular date night.”  I’m so thankful we’ve made this a priority.  I know we’re sometimes tired at the end of a busy day, but it helps to keep us connected.)  We stopped at a local corner restaurant where we enjoyed dessert and great conversation.  We were the only couple there when we first walked in to the seating area.  Then two other couples sat down at separate tables.

As Leanne and I were talking, one of the men stood up and turned to face the rest of us in the restaurant.  He asked for our attention and proceeded to tell everyone the following:  “My wife and I have been together for 13 years today.  Our kids are up the street with the sitter, and we’re out to celebrate.”

I think he shared a couple of other words I don’t quite remember.  I don’t know what his wife thought of his speech, but it was obvious he was still head over heels for his wife.

We congratulated them and challenged them to stay strong and in love.  Then we proceeded to our own conversation and delicious dessert.

It would be easy to let this moment pass by without record.  After all, it was a few short seconds in the middle of our date.  But I think it’s important to remember this experience.  It stretched me in a good way.

Leanne and I have been married for 17 1/2 years.  We are very comfortable with each other.  And sometimes, I think we get to comfortable.  I want my wife to know I’m just as head over heels for her now as I was the day we first met.  I want her to know how much I love her even if it means being a little goofy and sappy from time to time.

5 Ways to Keep Your Love Life Going Strong

  1. A simple gift goes a long way.  I’ll confess I’ve become too relaxed in this department.  I used to send Leanne flowers all the time.  This is something I need to do more often.  For Leanne, flowers show her I care.  Find out what gift has this impact on your spouse.
  2. Go above and beyond in helping around the house.  Again, I could work on this.  It’s easy to come home exhausted after a busy day of work.  I don’t need to finish the basement every night or paint a room every night, but there are plenty of little things I could tackle that would make a difference and show her how much I care.
  3. Keep hugs and kisses going.  Physical intimacy doesn’t have to end after the initial years of marriage.  Hugs and kisses when departing and when arriving home and in-between are part of staying close and connected.
  4. Encourage your spouse with your words.  I’ve seen too many couples who bash each other in private and in front of other people.  Television only amplifies and encourages this type of behavior.  We need to become our spouses biggest fan.  Words shared verbally and in writing can be the life blood of a thriving marriage.  Leanne does a great job in this department!
  5. Just spend time together.  It seems so simple, yet we live in a busy world.  We are running from one thing to the next.  I’m taking Isaac to one activity while Leanne takes Hannah to another activity.  Our weekly date night is one way we intentionally spend time together.

If any of these ideas sound helpful, I’d recommend you check out The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman.  This book provides practical encouragement for keeping your love life going strong.

How do you keep your love life going strong?

(Please note:  There are affiliate links in this post.  Should you purchase The 5 Love Languages by clicking one of these links, I receive a small percentage of the purchase.  These funds are used to support The Stretched Blog and to extend ministry and missions to Guatemala.  Thank you!)