3 Thumbs Up! May 26th, 2012

Since I’m off camping this weekend, I thought it would be fun to feature a camping themed 3 Thumbs Up! post.  Each week, I highlight three things that deserve a thumbs up.

Thumbs Up Number 1:  Byron’s Dutch Oven Cooking Page.  Over the past several years, I’ve developed a love for Dutch oven cooking.  Dutch ovens are special cast iron pots that are placed in the coals of a hot fire and used to cook all kinds of food from appetizers to side dishes to entrees to desserts.  Byron’s Dutch Oven Cooking Page has become one of my favorite places to visit to discover new Dutch oven recipes.

Thumbs Up Number 2:  Cabela’s Outfitter XL Cot.  I’m a fairly big guy at 6’6″ and just over 200 pounds.  As I’ve gotten a bit older, my back hasn’t handled sleeping directly on the ground like it used to.  This cot from Cabela’s has become my biggest friend on my camping trips.  The cot gives me a more comfortable sleeping surface that is off the ground.  It also provides some great storage space for flashlights, my journal, and other small things that need to be stored by my side at night.

Thumbs Up Number 3:  The Raven Charter.  Yesterday was my brother’s birthday.  For the past several years, he has been part of a band called The Raven Charter.  TRC is home-based in the Dallas, TX area, and they’ve played at venues all over Texas.  Their brand of alternative hard-edged rock is creative and though-provoking.  Check them out here.  Also, consider picking up their music from iTunes.

What else deserves a thumbs up this week?  Share with the rest of us, so we can all learn and enjoy.