Words Are Like Toothpaste

Did you ever say something that you wish you hadn’t said? I’ve had that problem for years. It’s sometimes like I say something before the words fully form in my head, and I’m left with regret and the awful taste of shoe leather in my mouth.

If you think about it, our words are like a tube of toothpaste. Just for fun, try squeezing a whole tube of toothpaste onto a paper plate. Make sure you get it all out of the tube. Now, try to put the toothpaste – ALL of it – back into the tube. Good luck! It’s impossible to do it. It’s the same way with our words. As soon as they come out, try as we may we just can’t fit our words back into our mouths.

James wrote a verse that speaks pretty well to this subject.

19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because our anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. James 1:19,20

Last night at our parenting discussion group social event, we did an exercise with toothpaste to show kids (and parents) the power of our words. What a great way to kickoff the group.

Until the next post…