What Will Heaven Be Like?

Hamburger Heaven
Have you ever stopped to think about what heaven might be like?

Come on.  I know you have thought about it.  Are the streets paved with gold?  Is there endless singing?  Do we sleep in heaven?  Do we eat in heaven?

Something happened at our house the other night that got me thinking about heaven.

Here’s a peek into our post-dinner conversation a couple of nights ago.

Hannah was getting Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups out of her Halloween stash in the pantry.  Leanne and Isaac were joining in on the fun.  And I was feeling left out.  Chocolate has not been one of my friends since I learned that caffeine was causing my migraine headaches.

And so I declared, “When I get to heaven, I’m eating some chocolate!”

And Leanne quickly responded, “When I get to heaven, I’m having a glass of wine!”

You see, Leanne cannot have alcohol.  This isn’t generally a problem in our house; however, there are times when Leanne would like to enjoy a glass of wine with family or friends.

Will there be chocolate and wine in heaven?

I don’t know for certain.  But I am pretty certain that heaven will be way better than we could ever imagine.  In fact, we’re told in Revelation that all the pain and suffering of this world will be swept away when we get to heaven:

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.  Revelation 21:4

I long for the day when things will be new – when the junk we deal with here will pass away.

What do you think heaven will be like?  Just for fun, what do you hope will be in heaven (like chocolate or wine or baseball)?

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