Wedding Reminder
This summer, Leanne and I attended the wedding of my boss’s daughter. She is a couple of weeks older than my little brother, Erik. But I definitely felt like I was on the older side of those in attendance.
There were several comical things that happened during the wedding that I may explore at a later point. I just wanted to capture a couple of thoughts related to my observations of my boss. He lost his wife just over 3 years ago (another topic to explore later). It was so great to see him and the whole family happy.
My boss did an incredible job walking his daughter down the aisle. He did a great job welcoming everyone to the reception. And his part in the father/daughter dance left all the fathers of daughters in the room with our jaws dropped. There’s no way most of us can compete with the show he and his daughter put on for this dance.
When I started with the company more than 17 1/2 years ago, his daughter was a little girl. Time certainly flies. Now while I still have several years to go before Hannah reaches this milestone, I’m realizing more and more how quickly the time will fly. I want to make the most of each and every opportunity I have with my kids. I don’t want there to be any regret.
For this reason, my run the next morning with Hannah was a little extra special for me. We didn’t set any land speed records. We didn’t even talk all that much. It was just nice to be together.
May I always remember to enjoy each moment with my kids.
God, Thank You for Hannah. Thank You for giving me such an amazing daughter. Be with her as she grows and continues to develop into the woman You are calling her to become. Thank You for her spirit of generosity and compassion. Thank You for her incredible intelligence and her outstanding work ethic. And thank You for the reminder to make the most of each moment with her. Be with the bride and groom as they start their lives together. Help them to grow and know You deeper every day. Help them to have happy and healthy lives, and help them to have an impact on this world that far out lives them and their marriage. Finally God, I ask that You prepare Leanne and I for the milestones to come with our children in the days and years ahead.
If you are a parent, how are you being intentional this week? How do you prepare for these milestones? How do you celebrate these milestones?