This Takes Faith
This is a picture of Dave Sgro and one of the kids we had the privilege of serving while we were in Guatemala earlier this month. Dave is a missionary and founder of GO! Ministries. He was a very successful businessman by most people’s perspective when God and Guatemala grabbed his heart. Dave took a huge leap of faith when he sold everything and moved his family to Guatemala a few years ago. Now, he’s turning his attention, ideas, and dreams to the people of Guatemala. It was a blessing for our family to see his faith as we worked together for a week.
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 5:16-18
This takes faith.
When we hit speed bumps in our lives – health problems, financial problems, material problems, etc. – it’s easy to become bitter and discouraged. I see it every day at work as team members become frustrated by the ever-changing demands of a project, a schedule, or a customer. I see it in the news where people in our country and in other countries are fighting against each other verbally and physically. And I even see it at home from time to time when we get tired, when we face a hardship of one kind or another, or when things start breaking down.
Paul reminds us that things on earth – things that we see – are temporary.
Yet we put so much energy and stock into these things. We try to build bigger bank accounts and bigger homes. We try to keep up with the Jones’ and the Smiths’ with our cars, toys, and other material items.
When will we learn to put our energy into the things that matter?
When we die, there’s only a couple of things coming with us. I’m guessing that our memories will somehow come with us (although that’s just a guess on my part). The only other thing I can think of is relationships – we can bring others to heaven by inviting them in – by introducing them to Christ. Yet we live as if there’s no urgency to this. We keep pushing and pushing and pushing to get the next promotion, the next financial windfall, or the next achievement. When will we learn that God wants our hearts? When will we live for things that will last?
God, give me your eyes. Help me to live for things that matter. Help me to build relationships. Help me to actively share my faith in words and deeds, so others might know you. Thank you for the reminder today. I will not lose heart!
What are you building with your life that will last? How might your life be transformed by living like this?