The Famous One


Over the weekend, I visited friends in my hometown of Mount Holly, NJ.  It was such a wonderful experience to see old friends, to enjoy great picnic food, and to catch up on happenings of our families.

When I arrived at the picnic, one of my friends immediately greeted me as the “famous author”.  I’m guessing he was partially joking around with me, but the more we talked the more I could tell he was curious about the blog and he was serious about his admiration for my blogging.  The was more than flattering coming from a guy who is the CEO of a medical technology company and who graduated from an ivy league school.

Fame.  (I want to live forever, I want to learn how to fly… sorry for that TV reference.  If you didn’t get it…nevermind.)

I guess if we’re honest, we all want to be known for something.  We want to be famous.  I want to be known as a writer, an author, and a blogger.  I want to be known as a husband, a dad, and a son.  I want to be recognized as a leader.  I want this kind of fame.

I’m sure that you want to be famous also.

It’s flattering.  It feels good.  It’s nice to be recognized.

But there’s a fame I strive for way more than my own.

I want to make God’s name famous.  Whether I’m writing, leading, or just plain living, I want my words, my actions, and all that I do to bring fame to my God.

Lord, I have heard of your fame;
    I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord. 
Repeat them in our day,
    in our time make them known;
    in wrath remember mercy.

Habakkuk 3:2

And so, I appreciate the kind words of my friend.  But it means so much more to me if my writing brings fame and glory to God.  Have you heard of His fame?

What are you famous for?

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