Tag Archives for " entrepreneur "

8 Weeks to Exit – A Conversation with Ellory Wells

Have you ever wanted to start an online business but you didn’t know quite where to start? 

Have you ever thought about the possibility of becoming an entrepreneur?

Have you ever wanted to start a blog?

Last night, I talked with entrepreneur and encourager, Ellory Wells, about these questions and more.  As part of the conversation, Ellory shares about a program he is launching this fall (8 Weeks to Exit) to help people get started in their on-line business.

This is a conversation you don’t want to miss!

During our time together, we talked about a few things you may want to check out for yourself:

Exit Strategy (the book) by Ellory Wells

Thrive! Giveaway

Catalyst Mastermind (for entrepreneurs)


8 Weeks to Exit


Book Review and Reflections – Exit Strategy (@ElloryWells)


Begin with the end in mind.

Stephen Covey

I don’t want to get to the end of my life with gas left in my tank.  I also don’t want to make it to the end of my life with the feeling that I wasted my life.

I want my life to matter.  I want to make a difference.  And I want to give my all to my purposes and passions.

With this in mind, I am developing an exit strategy for life.  My goal isn’t to exit this world early.  Instead, I want to have lived my life to the fullest when I do exit this world.

When I received my copy of Ellory Wells‘ new book, Exit Strategy, I was excited to see how it related to my own thoughts on exit strategy.  I was intrigued by the sub-title, “The Exact Tactics to Transition from Where You Have to Be to Where You Want to Be.”

In Exit Strategy, Ellory tells his story of leaving corporate America and starting up his own business.  As I read his story, I got the clear picture that Ellory (like me) wants to do something amazing with his life, and he’s not content to simply exist.  I liked this part of the book!

Exit Strategy then maps out  process for launching your own business – for doing your own thing.  Ellory provides a step-by-step process for starting a business in today’s web-driven world.  This isn’t just theory.  Ellory’s instructions are based on his own experience and on the experience of his clients.

I know the instructions work, because I have been following much of this material over the past year as I have been working with Ellory with some of my own pursuits.

If you are thinking about stretching into a new business pursuit, I’d recommend you pick up a copy of Exit Strategy.  Then I’d recommend you send Ellory an email (his email is in the book).  I know he’d love to help you!

Whether you are thinking about starting a new business or not, I’d challenge you to think about your own exit strategy.

What are you doing TODAY to make sure you live your life to the fullest?  What is your exit strategy?  Share your thoughts in the comments.