Tag Archives for " dynamic marriage "

Dynamic Marriage Starts Again TODAY!

Tonight, Leanne and I start the next class of Dynamic Marriage at our church (Christ’s Church of the Valley).  This will be the second time we get to facilitate this nine week class for couples who want to make their marriages better.

Dynamic Marriage is a nine-week class that walks couples through an intentional program designed to deepen communication, to educate about each other’s needs and how to meet them, and to take marriages from surviving to thriving.  The curriculum produced by Marriage Dynamics Institute is based on His Needs, Her Needs by Willard F. Harley Jr.

Here’s what some of the couples from our first class have to say about the class:


Spots for our new class are filled up, but we will be offering it again. If you can’t wait and are looking for a Dynamic Marriage class in your area, check out Marriage Dynamics Institute.

You have to be intentional to have a dynamic marriage.

Building a Dynamic Marriage

A successful marriage is an edifice that must be rebuilt every day.

Andre Maurois

Marriage requires effort, intentional actions, and the support of others.

Leanne and I have watched and wept as we’ve seen a few marriages around us collapse.  On the other hand, we’ve been so blessed to see many of the marriages around us thrive.  And we’ve also witnessed the simple survival of many marriages.

We celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary this summer.  We’ve had our ups and a few downs.  We’ve felt distance at times, and we’ve felt amazing intimacy in our marriage.

What we’ve learned is building a dynamic marriage – a marriage that grows, evolves with life, and thrives – takes work.

Early this summer, we traveled to New Jersey to become certified facilitators for the Dynamic Marriage class associated with Marriage Dynamics Institute.  The weekend training was intense and powerful.

This week (actually tomorrow), we will be starting our first Dynamic Marriage class.  The class is 9 weeks long, and it will take participants through and intentional path toward building a stronger marriage.  Twelve couples have signed up for the class (a full class) which means thirteen couples (including Leanne and I) will have the opportunity to significantly impact their marriages.

We’d love your prayers for the couples in this class and for us as we facilitate.

If you’re interested in participating in a future Dynamic Marriage class, let me know.  You can email me at jon@jonstolpe.com.

What is one thing you have done to invest in your marriage?


I’m Still Here – 10 Years Later

I’m still here.

I realize it’s been a while (almost a month) since my last post.  I’m not ignoring you.  I’ve just had a lot going on in my life.

Drinking from a Fire Hose

I’ve officially been in my new job for one month as the Branch Solutions Operations Manager.  Have you ever tried to drink water from a fire hose?  Me neither.  But I get the impression that it’s like being in a new job like this.  Every day is non-stop.  By Thursday, I’m exhausted.  And by Friday, I’m definitely ready for the weekend.  Despite these feelings of exhaustion, I am loving what I get to do on a daily basis.  My department finished June with a record month.  I’m so thankful for my team!

Dynamic Marriage

A couple of weekends ago, Leanne and I attended facilitator training for Dynamic Marriage.  We will be facilitating our first class in the fall at Christ’s Church of the Valley.  The weekend did so much to reaffirm our marriage and to confirm our calling to help other couples strengthen their marriages.  The 9-week class we will be leading is based on Willard Harley’s book, His Needs, Her Needs:  Building an Affair-Proof Marriage.  If you have a great marriage, a good marriage, or a just okay marriage, this class is for you!

Rooftop Reflections

I’ve been diligently working on my next book, Rooftop Reflections:  Missional Thoughts of an Ordinary Guy in an Extraordinary Place.  I finished the manuscript last week, and I’m working to finalize the cover with a graphic designer.  I hope to release the book this summer.  The book has already received several glowing endorsements.  Here is one of them:

“Jon’s stories from Guatemala will inspire, move, and motivate you to consider how you can expand your horizons and serve others more deeply. I loved this heartfelt book and know you’ll love it as well. If you’re not careful, it just might change your life!”

Kent Sanders, writer, musician, creative coach, and professor. Author of The Artist’s Suitcase (kentsanders.net)

Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging

Finally, my blog, Jon Stolpe Stretched, celebrated a significant milestone this week.  10 years ago this week, the blog started.  The blog experience has STRETCHED me in more ways than I can imagine.  I’ve learned a lot of incredible things through my blog, and I’ve met some unbelievable people.  10 years is a start.  I look forward to the years ahead as I continue to share life’s STRETCH marks and as I hopefully STRETCH you.  Thanks for joining me on this journey.

Keep Stretching!


“Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone’s face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come.”