It’s Time To Reconnect
People cross our paths throughout our lifetimes. Some people stay in our lives for a short period of time, and some people are a constant part of our lives. Others come and go and come again.
Today, I had the opportunity and privilege to reconnect with three individuals who I haven’t talked to in a while.
My friend, Michael, and I connected via Instagram chat when I commented on one of his story items. It’s probably a year or more since we’ve connected either on-line or in person. The brief exchange laid the groundwork for a face to face meeting at the beginning of the year.
Another friend, Tom, and I reconnected over breakfast at Panera Bread this morning. We initially met through Toastmasters, and we’ve have helped to launch a new Toastmasters club in the King of Prussia area of Pennsylvania. We haven’t seen each other for a few months. Our conversation at breakfast went pretty deep as we shared some recent challenges we were facing.
And finally, my friend, Matt, and I reconnected over the phone. Matt lives in Wilmington, North Carolina, and we initially met through the blog world. We have never had the opportunity to meet face to face, but we’ve had a few voice to voice conversations in addition to our comments back and forth on-line. (I was also interviewed by Matt on one of his early podcasts.) Our time together was a blessing as we briefly caught up on our families before diving deep into more spiritual discussions.
God has put people in your path. Some of these people need your encouragement. Some of these people are there to encourage you. And some of them are there to walk side by side through the joys and challenges we all face.
Today, I want to challenge you to reconnect with someone from your past. Think about people who have been a blessing to you, and think about people who might need a friendly word of encouragement. Then pick up the phone, knock on the door, or send a message.
What are you waiting for? Take time to reconnect right now!
How did we meet? Share your answer in the comments below (or send me a private message or email). I’d love to reconnect with you!