Miller Family Reunion

Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending my first Miller Family Reunion. This was a family reunion for my mother-in-laws family. (Interestingly enough, my mom’s maiden name is also Miller. Don’t worry. They are not related.) We had a wonderful time eating, talking, and playing together. The kids especially enjoyed the huge slide at Mammoth Park.

I was amused by the business meeting which took place as part of this family gathering. Voting of officers, reading of last year’s meeting minutes, treasurer’s report, and discussion of next year’s time and place for reunion were all items discussed at the meeting. I learned that this reunion had been taking place every year since the 1930s. Amazing!

The only part of this whole thing that I regret is that we didn’t make it to one of these reunions before Leanne’s grandma, Ruth Miller, passed away. I know she would have enjoyed showing off her granddaughter’s family to the rest of the Miller clan.

I hope this is an event that becomes more regular for our family.

Until the next post….
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