Into The Great Wide Open

As I type, I’m getting ready to head into the great wide open of Guatemala.

Our family is flying out this morning on a great adventure.

We have some ideas about what we’ll experience.  We hope to make an impact on the people we encounter.  The reality is we don’t completely know what we will experience and what kind of impact we will have.

Thank you to everyone who made this trip possible.  I can’t wait to get back with stories of our experiences.

This week will be a little different here on the blog.  I have guest posts scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday.  I’m planning to put an Ice Breaker up for Friday.  While I’m in Guatemala, I’m not sure what kind of Internet access I will have.  I’m going to leave Monday and Wednesday open for right now.  It will be interesting to see what happens those days. Please check back throughout the week.  You may just get a glimpse into the great wide open.

When was the last time you headed out into the unknown?  Into a great adventure?