Ice Breaker – Ten Years From Now

ice breaker ten years

To me – old age is always ten years older than I am.

John Burroughs

Each week on The Stretched Blog, I ask an ice breaker question. The questions are designed to help us get to know each other here in The Stretched Community. I’ll provide my answer to the question here in the post, and then you can leave your response in the comments. While you’re in the comments section, see how others answered the ice breaker question.

(I’m always looking for Ice Breaker question ideas.  If you have an idea, send me an email at  If I use your question, I’ll give you credit and share your links.)

Question:  What do you imagine yourself doing ten years from now?

My Answer:  In ten years, I will be 53.  It looks weird to me to type in that number.  The youngest operations manager in my department besides me just turned 55 this weekend, so I will still be younger than people who are doing my job now.  As far as work goes, I’m guessing I will still be working at my current place of employment.  I’m pretty sure, I’ll have some opportunities to move up a little in the next ten years.  I’m excited for what the next ten years looks like at my job.

In ten years, Leanne and I will be “empty nesters” as both our kids will be out of college.  I’m not looking to rush the current stage of our parenting, but I am excited for the prospect of enjoying time together as a couple.  Our initial “honeymoon” stage of our marriage was only a year and a half, so this will be an exciting stage in our marriage.  I think we will live in a smaller house.  We won’t have a mortgage (or any other debt), and we will be free to travel, give, and serve.

I plan to travel to Guatemala three (or more) times a year ten years from now.  I look forward to helping widows and orphans by building homes, teaching skills, providing meals, and sharing the gospel.

And finally, I plan to continue writing and speaking.  In ten years, I hope to have a few more books published, and I look forward to speaking to others – challenging people to stretch in their leadership, their families, and their lives.

Answer this week’s ice breaker question by leaving a comment. I look forward to reading your response! (As always, feel free to share links.) And keep Stretching!