Ice Breaker – Polar Bear Swims and Other Craziness
Today is International Polar Bear Day!
Bet you didn’t know this interesting fact. International Polar Bear Day was created by Polar Bears International to raise awareness for the conservation of polar bears.
When I think about polar bears, I can’t help put think of people doing the polar bear swims. Polar bear swims require a bit of craziness. Jumping into a frigid body of water when the air temperature is even colder is crazy. Today’s Ice Breaker is all about doing something a little crazy.
Question: When was the last time you did something really crazy? Tell us about it in the comments.
My Answer: My guess is the answers to this question will walk the line of craziness and stupidity. I’m not known for straying to far from the straight, narrow, and normal, so thinking of something crazy from my past is a bit of a challenge. Going to Guatemala the first time a few years ago seemed a little crazy to me. It may not have been crazy, but it was definitely a leap of faith. Driving on some of the roads of Guatemala has been a bit crazy. Eating some of the food in Guatemala may not seem crazy to the locals, but to other gringos consuming the local food is crazy.
Outside of Guatemala, the last time I did something a little crazy may have been when our family was vacationing in Vermont a few years ago. I went on a giant swing ride which required me to be ratcheted up to the top of a tree before I was released out over the edge of a mountain. It was a little scary, and my stomach ended up in my throat when I started to drop. There was also a feeling of exhilaration as I swung back and forth over the mountain edge.
As I type this, I begin to think of other craziness from my past. Maybe I’m not so crazy after all!
Answer this week’s ice breaker question by leaving a comment. I look forward to reading your response! (As always, feel free to share links.) And keep Stretching!