Ice Breaker – Highlight of the Week

Ice Breaker

Image by VerseVend (via Flickr – Creative Commons)

Each week on The Stretched Blog, I ask an ice breaker question. The questions are designed to help us get to know each other here in The Stretched Community. I’ll provide my answer to the question here in the post, and then you can leave your response in the comments. While you’re in the comments section, see how others answered the ice breaker question.

Question:  What was one highlight from your week?

My Answer:  I’m going to expand my answer just a little bit by providing three highlights from my week.  This was really the first week that our family is back into the full back to school routine.  It’s been a great week!

Here’s my first highlight:  Hannah had her 2nd official cross-country meet of the season on Wednesday.  Wednesday was unseasonably warm here on the east coast, so there was some question about how everyone would do.  And last week, Hannah and I made a trip to the running store to pick up her first pair of racing flats, so this would be the first opportunity to try out the new shoes.  It was so fun to go to her meet.  She clearly had extra pep in her step.  At the beginning of the race, she found herself caught up with girls who were typically faster than her.  She stayed with them throughout the race, and she finished a couple of places better than her previous meet.  At the finish of the race, I enjoyed watching her as she realized her accomplishment.  This leaves me excited for tomorrow when she’ll be running in an invitational race at DeSales University.  Last year, she was not part of the group who was invited to this race, so she has definitely made a lot of progress since her freshman year.

My second highlight, Leanne started a new job last week.  She has always had a passion for teaching children.  She is working as a preschool teacher at a local preschool.  And the students arrived on Monday.  I loved hearing about her first day and seeing her enthusiasm for her new job.  I think this will be a fun year for her students and for Leanne.

My third highlight, Isaac has been in scouting since he was in third grade when he joined the Cub Scouts.  In fifth grade, he started with the Boy Scouts, and he’s been gradually working his way up the ranks.  On Wednesday, he finished up work on two merit badges that he needs for his rank advancement to Life.  This may not mean much to many of you, but that means he will soon be ready to work on his Eagle Scout Rank – which is a big deal.  When I drove him home from his scout meeting that night, we was so excited.  He started talking about the things he will do next to start moving towards Eagle.  I’m sure many of you have different thoughts and opinions on Boy Scouts, but it has been a great experience for Isaac and our family.  He has developed confidence, leadership skills, and character through his years as a scout.  I’m excited for him as he continues this journey.

Answer this week’s ice breaker question by leaving a comment. I look forward to reading your response! (As always, feel free to share links.) And keep STRETCHING!

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