Guatemala Photo Of The Day – Something Is Not Right

At first look, the house seems to be coming together.  The roof is taking shape, and the back wall is going up.

Look a little closer.

There is something wrong here.

There are major gaps in the wall.  This can’t be right.  We kept thinking this as we thought we were following the instruction of German.  We kept going until we thought we had finished the wall.  Shortly after this picture was taken, we took a break for lunch.  At lunch, I remember voicing my concern about the gaps in the wall to German and Dave Sgro.

If I remember correctly, we kept going later in the day on the other walls, but we changed our approach, we started overlapping the wood as we build from the bottom up.  The next day, we made a decision to tear down the back wall and start over.  As you will see in upcoming photos, the back wall changed and became a better barrier for the family against the weather and against potential peepers.

The mistakes we made on this first wall became a catalyst for building better walls on this house and the other house we built while we were in Guatemala.

Recognizing our mistakes is not easy.  We want to be right, and we want to be right the first time.  Sometimes though, we make mistakes, and we have to take corrective action to make things right.  The sooner we deal with our missteps, the sooner we can make things right.

When I look at this wall, I see the opportunity for redemption even when we don’t get it right at first.
