Category Archives for "Thanksgiving Square"

Thanksgiving in April

Yesterday, our family took the DART train to the West End Historic District in Dallas, TX to take in the sites and sounds.  We saw the Grassy Knoll at Dealey Plaza where John F. Kennedy was shot.  We saw the Old Red Museum.  We also saw the John F. Kennedy Memorial, the log cabin in Founders Plaza, and Rosa Parks Plaza.  It was exciting to visit each of these places as we walked through this area, but the highlight for each of us was the visit to Thanksgiving Square.

Thanksgiving Square was built in 1977 as a place to remind everyone to be thankful.  In the square, there are several water fountains, a Norman Rockwell mosaic, a bell tower, and a few structures designed to focus your attention on gratitude.  As I walked through the Golden Ring of Thanksgiving, I gave thanks for my family, my kids, and my wonderful wife.  I thanked God for restored health for Leanne and for a return to normalcy.

After we ate lunch in the square, we entered Thanksgiving Hall where we were greeted by friends of my dad.  My dad had served on an interfaith council that met in this location.  Several of the council members were there following a regular meeting.  They each greeted my dad so warmly.  As we chatted with our new friends, we learned a bit about the council and about Thanksgiving Square.  Did you know that seven countries around the world celebrate a Thanksgiving Day?  Did you know that the first Thanksgiving in Texas occurred in May of 1541?  We learned these facts and more as we walked through the hall.

Finally, we ended our visit by walking up the spiral sidewalk to the entrance of Thanksgiving Square Chapel.  The chapel includes a spiral display of stained glass designed to focus your attention upward.  Since we were by ourselves, we all laid down on the floor and looked straight up at the spiral ceiling.  What a wonderful way to end our vacation in Texas – with Thanksgiving in April!

What are you thankful for today?