Category Archives for "Sundi Jo Graham"

Book Review: Dear Dad by Sundi Jo Graham (@sundijo)

If you could write your Dad a letter, what would you say?  Would you point out his faults?  Would you have good things to say?  Or would your letter be filled with pain?

I’m excited to announce the release of a new book by Sundi Jo GrahamDear Dad is a memoir written by Sundi Jo which retells her story of losing control, fighting to regain control, and discovering the blessing of giving up control.  It is a letter to her Dad.

Dear Dad is transparent and raw.  It is real and unfiltered.  And it ultimately offers hope for anyone who has endured pain and hardship.

Honestly, I couldn’t put Dear Dad down once I started reading it.  Sundi Jo does an amazing job sharing her story.  She draws you in immediately.  As I read the story of her healing process, I found myself cheering for Sundi Jo and excited to see how the story ends.

Tomorrow is officially the release day for Dear Dad.  The book is available in paperback and Kindle.  If you order the book this week, you can get six free gifts worth over $65.  Click here to learn more.

Dear Dad definitely has my recommendation.  I received the book for free as part of the Dear Dad Launch Team.  I was not required to provide a positive review.  Dear Dad is one of my favorite books so far this year.  Order your copy today!

What would you say to your Dad today if you could say anything?

(Please note:  There are affiliate links in this post.  Should you purchase Dear Dad by clicking one of these links, I receive a small percentage of the purchase.  These funds are used to support The Stretched Blog and to extend ministry and missions to Guatemala.  Thank you!)

Guest Post: Stretched By Grace by Sundi Jo Graham

Today, I have the honor and privilege of presenting Sundi Jo Graham.  Sundi Jo blogs regularly at Lead.Love.Laugh., and she is the author of a new eBook, Liar Liar.  Please check out Sundi Jos’s post and leave an answer to her question.  Afterwards, go check out her blog.  Her contact information along with a short bio can be found at the end of the post.  Thanks!

Today I am stretched in the area of grace. Grace for myself. It’s much easier for me to forgive others than it is myself. My flesh strives for perfection in certain areas of my life.

There are days it seems like I take two steps forward and three steps back. I immediately think of ways to beat myself up. I believe the lies that I’ll never be good enough. I tell myself that if I’m seeing myself this way, then eventually other people will see me the same way.

When I take a step back in my life versus moving forward, I tend to shut God out for a period. He never leaves me, but I put this roadblock between He and I, convincing myself that I need this time of punishment. I feel His grace trying to sneak through the cracks of the wall around my heart, and I try to seal them up.

Someone remind me why I must make my life so difficult. Usually when it’s all said and done and I feel like I’ve punished myself enough, I find myself weary, crying out to God for help. Yep, there He is – still waiting.

Do you ever convince yourself that grace is for other people, not for you? That when God was creating our very existence, He wrote your name down on a napkin and said, “Everyone but you will get my grace.” I’m yet to find that in Scripture, but so easily believe it to be true.

We can quickly convince ourselves of a truth that does not exist. Perhaps because it’s a lot less work to believe the lie. It’s easier to wade in the shallow pool of disgrace rather than forcing ourselves to jump in the deep end of grace, where we’ll have to work harder to stay afloat.

Today is a new day. Another moment to put the roadblock aside and receive God’s grace. Another day to allow myself the grace versus convincing myself it’s not for me. Tomorrow will be a new day too. Then the next.

In what area of your life do you need to give yourself grace?


Sundi Jo is a writer, speaker, and small business owner, making her home in Branson, Missouri. She is the author of Liar Liar, a manifesto that will challenge you, change your heart, and lead you in the right direction to believe the truth about your true identity. You’ll find her engulfed in the social media world, spending time with friends and family, hanging out in a pair of jeans and flip-flops, or writing. Find Sundi Jo on Facebook or Twitter (@sundijo).