Category Archives for "Peeps"

Ice Breaker – Easter Candy

It’s time for the weekly Stretched Ice Breaker!

Every Friday here on The Stretched Blog, I ask a question which helps us get to know each other.  I’ll answer first.  Then you join the conversation by leaving your answer in the comments section.

This week, my kids helped me with the ice breaker question.  I think you’ll find it fun and entertaining.  Here goes….

Question:  What is your favorite Easter candy?

My Answer:  I have to go with stale Peeps.  You know what I’m talking about.  They’re the sugar-coated, bite-size marshmallow treats that look like little bunnies or baby chicks.  I love to open them up on Easter morning and let them sit for a day or two until the outer coating hardens up.  There’s nothing quite like two-day old Peeps.  (Interesting fact, Peeps are manufactured just north of The Stretched Blogger up in the Allentown/Bethlehem, PA area.)

My second place Easter candy – black jelly beans.  You either love them or you hate them. I love them!

Okay.  Now it’s your turn.  Let’s hear your answer to today’s Stretched Ice Breaker.  Have a great weekend!