Category Archives for "K.C. Procter"

The Stretched Blog Visits Some Wise Guy

Today, I’m honored to be guest blogging over at Some Wise Guy.  Some Wise Guy is a blog written by K.C. Procter where he explores the everyday thoughts of being a dad.  Here’s an excerpt from my post, titled Don’t Blink.  Please head over to K.C.’s blog to read the rest of the post and to see what else is going on at Some Wise Guy.  Drop K.C. a comment and tell him that I sent you.

Time flies when you’re a dad.  Don’t blink!

I’ve been a dad for over fourteen years now, and I often feel like it’s been just fourteen days since my daughter joined our family.  This past week, I watched her graduate from middle school.  It literally seems like yesterday when we put her on the bus for her first day of kindergarten.  I remember her excitement and her little brother’s sadness as she climbed on the bus with her very own backpack and her big smile.

What’s going on in your life right now that is moving too fast?  How about something that’s moving too slow?

(For those of you looking for this week’s Ice Breaker, stay tuned to The Stretched Blog over the weekend.  We’ll see what we can do!)