This week, I’m going back to a written recap as opposed to the video “throw down” that went on last weekend. (Thanks for the feedback, I don’t think video posting is dead for me, but I need to take it in steps.)
At any rate, it was a pretty good week here on The Stretched Blog. Traffic was on par with other weeks (maybe a bit higher than average). Comments seemed to be up from previous weeks. I’m not sure if the topics covered in the posts were more engaging or if more people decided to add more feedback to the community.
Here’s a run-down on the posts from the week:
Here’s some of my favorites from around the blog world this week:
Don’t forget to subscribe to The Stretched Community on the right of the main screen. Also, stop over and join Jon Stolpe Stretched on the Facebook Fan Page. Thanks as always to the regular readers and to those who leave comments. You make this Stretched community so great!
How was your week? What was your favorite post on your blog and elsewhere this week? Please share, so we can all enjoy!
This weekend, I finished reading my second book of the year – Jolt! by Phil Cooke. (Hopefully, I can keep this momentum going.)
I had never heard of Jolt! or Phil Cooke before I received a free copy of this book thanks to Brandon Gililland who gave me a copy as part of a contest he was running on his blog. Thanks, Brandon!
The subtitle for Phil Cooke’s book is “Get the jump on a world that’s constantly changing.” In Jolt!, Cooke provides his take on how to keep up with what keeps changing in today’s world, while staying grounded and energized. The book is broken up into five sections which encourage readers to “jolt” different parts of their lives and perspective. Cooke encourages readers to “jolt” their direction, “jolt” what matters, “jolt” their potential, “jolt” their heart, and “jolt” their future.
Many parts of this book seemed to echo others books that I’ve read encouraging readers to have goals, stay focused, and adapt to change. I didn’t find any parts of the book shocking or extremely “jolting”, but I was challenged and stretched by the reminders. I liked the way Cooke integrated quotes and personal stories to demonstrate his points. I also appreciated the application to my work. Jolt! stretched me to be more intentional when it comes to encouraging creative thinking and independent decision-making in my department. Jolt! also stretched me personally to keep learning, keep giving, and keep accountability in my life.
All in all, I give Jolt! four “stretch marks” out of five. I’d recommend this book whether you need a kick in the pants related to your personal or business growth. You can purchase a copy of Jolt! by clicking the link below. Also, consider jumping over to Phil Cooke’s blog for more insight.
When was the last time you were shocked or jolted? How did that go? What needs a good “jolt” in your life right now?