It’s Good Friday. I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to skip the Stretched Ice Breaker this week.
Today is a day when many of us remember the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross for you and for me. I always looked forward to celebrating Easter – with the Sunrise Service, the Easter Egg Hunt, Sunday Easter services, and Easter lunch. It was always a fun day to celebrate Christ’s resurrection. Growing up, I typically went to church on Good Friday. For me, this was the service that really set the tone for me to celebrate Easter on Sunday. Remembering the sacrifice that Christ made for me is such an important reminder, and it’s such an important message to share with others.
As I was thinking about Good Friday and Easter Sunday, I couldn’t help but think of a message I’ve heard from Tony Campolo. Here’s a clip of the message:
When you think of Good Friday and Easter Sunday, what comes to mind? Share one of your Easter the comments.
Time for a quick Stretched Ice Breaker question to get your Friday going. This is when I ask a question, and we all answer it. I’ll leave my answer here in the post, and you can leave your answer in the comments. Check back at the end of the day to see how everyone else answered the question.
Question: What’s good for you today?
Answer: So today’s question is a bit more wide open than normal. But today is Good Friday. I couldn’t resist. What’s good for me today? I’m thankful to have a few days off. I’m actually on vacation visiting my parents and my brother. It’s been good to be away from the hustle and bustle of life as we know it in PA. And it’s been good to visit with my folks. Yesterday, we did some geocaching by White Rock Lake, and we went to my folks’ church for Maundy Thursday. Today, we’re heading into my brother’s restaurant to see where he works, and we’ll be heading back to church tonight for Good Friday service. All this is good!
So there, you have it. My answer is simple. Now, it’s your turn. Share your answer in the comments.