Category Archives for "Christmas"

Ice Breaker – Christmas Movies

It’s that time of the week again…time for an ice breaker question!  For those of you who are new or who forgot, ice breaker questions are used to help people get to know each other – to “break the ice” so to speak.  I love hearing what other people have to say and how they think.  So for today, I’m throwing out another simple ice breaker question.  I’ll answer it first, then it’s your turn.  Answer the question by leaving a comment for us all to enjoy.  Thanks!

Question:  What is your favorite Christmas movie?

My Answer:  Here you go….

If you have ABC Family coming to your TV, they are promoting their annual 25 Days of Christmas movie event where they show 25 different Christmas movies leading up to Christmas Day.  I don’t catch most of them, but it’s hard for me not to get a little excited about Christmas when I see some of the movies.  I’m a sucker for movies like Polar Express, The Santa Clause, and Home Alone.  But my favorite Christmas movie doesn’t usually make it to ABC Family’s list.

My favorite Christmas movie of all time…are you ready…drumroll…It’s A Wonderful Life.  I know it’s an old one, but I love the story, the humor, and the timeless message of the movie.  I love how Jimmy Stewart gets a second chance once he discovers how different life would be if he had never been born.  This movie is usually shown on Christmas Eve, so I try to catch it after we get home from the Christmas Eve service at church.

(By the way, Christmas Vacation and A Christmas Story would probably make my top 5 list.)

So there you have it, my answer to the question.  Now it’s your turn….I can’t wait to hear what you’ve got to say!

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