B&B – Break from Busyness

Last night, Leanne and I journeyed half way across the great state of Pennsylvania to Carlisle. We had the pleasure of staying at the Pheasant Field Bed and Breakfast and eating at the Boiling Springs Tavern. It truly was a great break from all the rushing around that we’ve been lately.

We try to make at least one or two of these trips each year; however, we’ve found it more and more challenging the past few years with Leanne’s Sunday work schedule. Recently, Leanne switched over to being the director of our church’s preschool (you can read about her adventures by clicking here). This transition has opened up a more opportunities for us to get away like this.

Even though, we were only away for an evening, it was definitely refreshing. (Thanks to Leanne’s folks for taking care of the kids.)

Until the next post, I’ll be looking forward to more get-a-ways…