Another Leap of Faith

I’m excited to share about another leap of faith I’ll be taking with my family this summer.  You may remember last year I wrestled with a leap of faith that involved me deciding to go to Guatemala.  The decision to go on this trip was not an easy decision to make.  But I learned that it was a leap of faith decision worth taking.

While I was in Guatemala, I fell in love with the people and the town of Xenacoj.  Since I returned in early August, I have been in communication with Dave Sgro of GO! Ministries.  Dave and his family moved to Xenacoj a few years ago to establish a full-time ministry to the people of Guatemala.

As I’ve spoken with Dave and shared with Leanne about this town, it became more and more obvious that we should consider taking our whole family to Xenacoj for a family missions trip of our own.  And so today, I’m excited to share that our family is planning a trip to Guatemala in early August 2013.

Details of what we will be doing are still being ironed out (and I’ll share more specifics in the coming days and weeks).  It’s likely that our trip will have a feeding program focus, a construction focus, and a medical focus.  We will get to serve among the same streets with the same people we served this summer.

As we consider this new leap of faith, we would love your support.  First and foremost, we value your prayer support.  Please pray that the details will work out as our plans proceed.  Pray that we will have an effective ministry during our time in Xenacoj.  And pray that our family will experience growth and transformation as we serve together.  Secondly, we are getting our hands around the cost of such a trip.  We’re estimating that the trip will cost approximately $5,000 which would include our airfare.  We’re working towards saving for this goal, but we could honestly use any support possible to make this financial hurdle more obtainable.

In the coming days, I will share about others ways to get involved with this trip.  Until then, I’d like to leave you with this video that my daughter helped to produce.  It will give you a snap shot of our trip last year and a glimpse into the town and people of Xenacoj.


What leap of faith do you need to consider this year?