Books I’ve Read So Far This Year (Part 1)

At the beginning of this year (2018), I set a goal to read at least 52 books – one book per week on average.  I’m happy to say I’m on track to achieve my goal.

Reading is an important discipline.  It provides new and different perspectives for learning and STRETCHING.  It provides a fun escape to other times and other places.  And reading helps keep your brain flexible.

Here’s a list of the books I’ve read so far this year:

Building A Story Brand by Donald Miller – This book provides excellent tips on positioning yourself as a teacher or a guide for your customer.  It also teaches you to make your customer the hero of the story.  I really appreciated Donald Miller’s teaching in this valuable resource. [Note:  I read the hardcover version of this book.]

Play the Man by Mark Batterson – I used this book as part of my Stretched Men Group (mastermind group for men).  This book lays out the framework for intentionally discipling your sons.  Play the Man inspired me to put in motion a “Year of Discipleship” with my own son that has included reading seven books and taking a life-changing trip to Washington State (more on that in a future post).  [Note:  I read the hardcover version of this book.]

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks – I read this book at the recommendation of Cliff Ravenscraft.  The book talks about dealing with your limiting beliefs in order to be the person you were meant to be.  Many of us get stuck in the routines of life.  We are often too scared to break out of these comfort areas to go after something bigger and better.  This book will make you think again about how you are living your life.  [Note:  I read the paperback version of this book.]

The Book of Mistakes by Skip Prichard – I had the privilege of reading this book as part of the launch team for the book.  The book teaches important leadership advice through the masterful storytelling of Skip Prichard.  Once I started reading this book I couldn’t put it down.  [Note:  I read pre-release digital  version of this book.]

The Graduate Survival Guide: 5 Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make in College by Anthony ONeal and Rachel Cruze – This is the first book Isaac and I read together as part of his “Year of Discipleship”.  This book simply outlines important reminders for students as they make the transition from high school to college.  As this book was released as part of the Dave Ramsey organization, there are a lot of solid financial tips in this practical guidebook.  [Note:  I read the hardcover version of this book.]

Let’s Stop Meeting Like This by Dick and Emily Axelrod – I received a free copy of this book to read in exchange for a review.  I liked this book.  It provides practical tips for running more effective meetings.  In my position, I sit in a lot of meetings, and I also facilitate a lot of meetings.  This book was a big help!  [Note:  I read the paperback version of this book.]

The #1 Secret of Genuinely Happy People by Brian Jones – I received a free copy of this eBook when I signed up to receive Brian’s newsletter.  This book was simple, practical, helpful, and inspiring.  If you are looking for a quick and helpful read, check it out.  [Note:  I read the digital eBook version of this book.]

Wealth Is It Worth It? by S. Truett Cathy (founder of Chick-Fil-A) – Common sense advice and stories from a true business person of character, Truett Cathy provides fantastic leadership and financial wisdom in this handbook.  [Note:  I read the hardcover version of this book.]

No Compromise: The Life Story of Keith Green by Melody Green – This is the second book Isaac and I read together as part of our “Year of Discipleship”.  This biography tells the riveting story of Keith Green from his youth as a seeking Christian Scientist to his life of sold-out commitment to Jesus Christ.  [Note:  I read the paperback version of this book.]

Motives of the Heart: A Biblical Study on Pride and Humility by Reb Bradley – I picked up this short book to help me prepare for some teaching I was doing for my Stretched Men Group.  This helpful resource dives into the Bible to find helpful teaching and verses on pride and humility.  [Note:  I read the paperback version of this book.]

Due to the overall length of this material, I will be breaking it up into a few posts.  Stay tuned for the continuation of my 2018 reading list.

What book(s) have you read this year?  Share in the comments below.

[Note:  There are affiliate links in this post.  If you make a purchase as a result of clicking on any of these links, I may receive a small affiliate commission.  This should not impact the pricing you see on any of these products.  Thanks in advance if you happen to purchase one of these books by clicking on one of the links above.]