Help for Your New Year

New Year’s Day is every man’s birthday.
Charles Lamb
It’s New Year’s Day, and it’s a time when many are considering how they want to start the new year. What targets will we set for the new year? What resolutions will we make? Will they last, or will they fade away as the days and weeks unveil themselves in 2018?
If you’re like me, your Facebook feed is filled with advertisements promoting planners, guides, books, and webinars that are “guaranteed to make you a new person in the new year.” I’m not opposed to all of these things as I’m a very goal oriented person; however, it can be a real challenge to pick the “right” just for you.
As I’ve been thinking about my goals for 2018, I’ve been thinking about dreams and goals in the following areas:
- Faith – I want to be intentional in my relationship with God. I want to make my faith a priority in 2018, and I want it to be the underlying current for the rest of my hopes and dreams.
- Family – I want my marriage and my parenting to be all they can be, and I want them to have an impact that far exceeds the walls of my house.
- Fitness – I need to be in good shape (and I don’t mean pear-shaped – although I like pears) if I’m going to be all I can be. Dropping a few pounds and keeping a consistent exercise routine are essential for me to succeed in this area this year.
- Function – This relates to my job. I want to grow in my leadership and skill, and I want to do whatever I can to help my team members, my customers, and the company succeed in 2018. I also want to make sure I’m thinking long-term in my approach to my function (my work).
- Founder – You probably are getting the picture. My goal areas for 2018 all start with the letter ‘F’. When I say founder, I mean my entrepreneurial pursuits. I have goals related to my writing, my speaking, my mastermind group for men, and other things I’m working on outside of my job.
- Financial – In order to reach my dreams of being completely debt free including my mortgage and of being prepared for retirement, it’s important to set financial goals for this year. Leanne and I are preparing to have both of our kids in college later this year which means this goal area requires extra attention to make sure we thrive through these years.
- Fun – Yes, I said fun. We can’t forget fun when we set our goals. This means vacations, weekend trips, family outings, and even individual retreats.
As you consider your goals for 2018, I don’t want you to feel lost. I’d also hate to see you let apathy set in as you enter the new year. It’s important to have a target at which we can aim.
“If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.” Zig Ziglar
I’d love to help you sort out your goals for 2018. In fact, I have a framework that will help you STRETCH in the new year. Because I believe you aren’t really living if you aren’t stretching and growing.
To help you get off on the right foot in 2018, I’ve created a 7 Week Stretch Challenge. When you sign up for the Challenge, you’ll get a weekly email from me that will teach you some important concepts to help you STRETCH into the new year. Each week, you’ll have one simple concept to work on that will help lay the groundwork for a better you in 2018.
You have a choice to make.
You can proceed as usual. When you make this choice, you should expect a usual outcome.
Or you can take the challenge and STRETCH yourself. You can be a new you at the end of the year.
What’s your choice?
To sign up for the 7 Week Stretch Challenge, click here (or sign up below).