Win The Heart (Book Review)

As a leader in my company and the head of my department, I believe I have the responsibility to create and influence our culture. I want to build and be part of an organization that makes the world a better place, that grows and attracts talent, and that provides a place where people are proud to work.
When I was asked to participate in the book launch of Mark Miller‘s new book, Win the Heart: How to Create a Culture of Full Engagement, I had no hesitation in saying yes. Miller, who also wrote Talent Magnet, Chess Not Checkers, and Leaders Made Here, is a leader at Chick-Fil-A. Having seen the culture that Chick-Fil-A promotes first hand (both my kids have worked for Chick-Fil-A at one time or another), I’ve seen how culture is an important focus for this organization.
In Win he Heart, Miller tells the story of CEO Blake Brown as he sets out on a journey to discover the secrets of a fully engaged culture. Miller uses story telling to teach four main truths:
C – Connection – If you want people to CARE about your organization, you have to make sure they are connected to the organization, the mission, and the team.
A – Affirmation – If you want people to CARE about your organization, you have to affirm your team members through your words and your actions.
R – Responsibility – If you want people to CARE about your organization, you have to make sure they have responsibility and are empowered to make decisions and take actions that will move the organization forward.
E – Environment – If you want people to CARE about your organization, you have to create the right environment making sure team members have the right setting to get things done and to draw them into the organization.
Win the Heart is all about helping people CARE about the organization and about moving their hearts into a deeper level of engagement.
This book was rather simple. Sometimes simple is exactly what we need to inspire us, to motivate us, and to push us forward to lead our organizations to the next level.
[Note: I was given a free copy of Win the Heart in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to endorse this book. I believe leaders are readers, and there is definitely value in this book to help you grow as a leader.]