What’s The Point?
I read a lot of blogs related to small group ministry. Some of it's really good stuff. One of the blogs I read is called Because Relationships Matter authored by Kathy Guy who is Director of Community at Granger Community Church in Granger, Indiana. I really resonated with a comment made in her post from yesterday:
"Doing more has come slowly and strategically in GCC Groups. We have more choices. People are really happy when they can find what they're looking for.
However, making people happy isn't the goal – it's about helping them connect to the church so they can find their way to Jesus."
In my opinion, this is the point of doing small groups. As I've wrestled through the mission and strategy of the small groups ministry at my own church, my passion is towards seeing people connected to others and to God. If our group ministry doesn't achieve this objective, is it really worth it?
I'd love to hear what you think.