The 10 Reasons Why Positive Thinking Might Be for You After All

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.
Willie Nelson
If you want to improve your life and have an easier time of dealing with what life throws at you, then consider these 10 reasons why positive thinking might just be for you after all:
1. Reduce Your Stress Levels
You can’t control what life throws at you. However, you can in fact control how you respond to it. When we become stressed, it isn’t because of what we’re experiencing, but rather how we’ve chosen to react to these situations. If you choose to take an even-tempered approach to a negative situation, not only will you experience less stress, but you’ll be far more adept at handling and overcoming said situation.
2. Improve Your Physical Health
Stress isn’t just mentally and emotionally exhausting. It can actually be overwhelmingly harmful to your physical health. It raises your blood pressure and increases your heart attack risk. It’s one of the reasons why x put such an emphasis on creating a calming environment; stress can be just as harmful to our bodies as substance abuse.
3. Make Better Choices
We don’t make good choices when we’re in a negative mindset. This is usually the time when we reach for a drink or a fatty meal or say something that we regret later on. Whether you’ve been struggling to get out of a toxic relationship or even a deadly addiction, sometimes all you need to do is to choose to start believing in yourself again. The moment you muster up courage to even just find a drug rehab center or simply take the first step to getting out your self-hatred, life takes a turn for the better. By approaching negative situations with a positive outlook and taking a moment to breathe, you’re less likely to exacerbate your situation by acting out in anger.
4. Stick To Healthy Routines
Those who think positively aren’t inclined to “punish themselves” by neglecting pertinent tasks or engaging in unhealthy behaviors. When your outlook is regularly positive, you’re more likely to stick to your daily routines, engage in healthy behaviors and avoid procrastinating. A positive outlook can make your day-to-day life far simpler.
5. Be More Attractive
“Stress wrinkles” aren’t a myth. Stress is up there next to smoking, sun exposure and excessive alcohol use on the list of things that age you prematurely. If you want to look younger and more vibrant, reducing your stress levels is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to do it. Remember, you can’t eliminate stressful situations from your life, but you can control how you react to them.
6. Manage Your Weight
Overeating and poor exercise habits are often fueled by unhappiness. When we’re unhappy, it’s hard to find the motivation to make better dietary and fitness choices. When life is approached with a positive outlook, however, people can easily find the motivation to take care of their health and fitness. Those who value their health and their body tend to have an easier time of making positive fitness and diet changes.
7. Have Better Relationships
Angry and unhappy people often end up pushing those they love away from them. Positive people, on the other hand, are pleasant to be around and attract great people into their lives. When you adapt a positive mindset, you’ll watch your relationships with romantic partners, friends and family members gradually become easier and more fulfilling.
8. Laughter Is Literally The Best Medicine
If you can find the humor in a negative experience, you can actually improve your health. The notion that laughter is the best medicine isn’t just a folksy old saying, it’s the truth. The Mayo Clinic reports that laughter has actual concrete health benefits, both for mental and physical wellness.
9. Better Career and Financial Success
If you’re stressed out about money, that might be the main reason why you have money woes in the first place. No matter where you are professionally or financially, merely having a better attitude about your situation can help you to better improve your standing in your career and the amount of money that you are earning.
10. Just Plain Feel Better
Little Orphan Annie wasn’t whistling Dixie when she said that the sun would come out tomorrow. The truth is, the world will continue turning whether you have a negative or positive attitude. However, the ride is far more pleasant if you choose the latter. With a positive attitude, you’ll just plain feel better.
Consider these 10 reasons the next time you’re ready to respond negatively to an unfortunate situation. We can’t control the world around us, but we can control how we choose to respond. By adopting a positive outlook, you’ll be healthier, more successful and happier.
How has positive thinking impacted your life? Tell me about it in the comments.
Today’s article is a guest post by Elliot Caleira. Elliot is a freelance writer in the self-mastery and health and wellness spaces. When he’s not writing you’ll find him cooking or teaching Portuguese classes. Connect with Elliot on Twitter.
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