I Miss You!
It’s been a long, long while, and I miss you!
“The hardest thing is not talking to someone you used to talk every day.”
For the longest time, I connected with you all the time – typically a few times a week and sometimes every day of the week. It’s been quite a while since I’ve had any consistency to my writing here and to connecting with you right here.
I’m sorry for the long absence. It wasn’t you. I can say that with a fair amount of certainty. It’s been more on my plate. I’ve been busy (I’m learning to hate using that word). I’ve been working on several other things including work. I’ve been consistent in some other things in my life, but my writing has definitely taken a break lately.
I miss the writing, and I miss you and the opportunity to connect with you here.
While I’ve always desired to STRETCH others, I’ve realized that you actually STRETCHED me through our regular visits here in this blog community.
Life is like that. We move away for a time. We find ourselves distracted, or we simply find our attention diverted elsewhere.
Sometimes, we need to stop and look around. We need to realize where we’ve been, where we’re going, where we want to be, and where we are right now.
For this evening, I’m glad to be right here with you. You were missed!