ADVENTure Day 19
ADVENTure Day 19
Are you happy? Tell your face.
Many of us (myself included) walk around with a scowl on our face. We don’t laugh. We rarely smile. Yet when people ask us how we’re doing, we reply “Great!” or “Good!” or “Fine!”
Are we lying? Or have we just forgotten how to express our happiness?
According the Webster’s dictionary, joy is a feeling of great happiness.
This season is supposed to be a happy, joyful season, but many of us don’t look very happy.
It’s time we wake up and remind ourselves to smile – to remember why we have reason to be joyful.
A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit. Proverbs 15:13
ADVENTure Activity: Look in the mirror. Smile at yourself. Now go and make someone else smile.
ADVENTure Question: When was the last time you laughed so hard you nearly wet yourself?