ADVENTure Day 18
Weeping May Come For A Night But Joy Comes In The Morning
Let’s face it. There are things in this world that get us down.
It can be a challenge to find joy in our lives when our car is broken down. Or when we’re dealing with broken relationships. Or when we’re sick or someone we know and love is fighting for their lives. Or when we lose our job. Or when we can’t pay our bills.
I could go on and on. Joy is often the farthest thing from our minds when we are going through things like this.
But here is the exciting thing…are you ready?
We are promised joy!
For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning. (Psalms 30:5 NLT)
And this is what Advent is all about. We may deal with the “crap” of life…things will make us weep, doubt, and even shake our head or fist. But there is good news.
Christ is coming back!
There will be indescribable joy when this happens. This is something worth looking towards.
ADVENTure Activity: Think of five things you are looking forward to in the next year. How will these things bring you joy?
ADVENTure Question: Why are you weeping today?