Thrust Into Greatness

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.
William Shakespeare
Last week, I accepted the nomination and election to become the next president of my local Toastmasters club, Aetna Articulators.
I’ve been coming to Toastmasters for nearly a year, and I’ve been moving along at a decent pace as I progress towards the first major milestones – Competent Communicator (CC) and Competent Leader (CL).
I was a little apprehensive about taking on this role considering my lack of experience in the club and in the overall organization, but no one else seemed ready or excited about stepping into the role. During the selection process, someone even voiced their concern about my lack of Toastmasters experience.
Sometimes we have to step up. If we wait for others to take action, we may be waiting a long time.
I don’t know exactly what the year ahead looks like as I take on the responsibilities of this position. I want to see our club continue. I truly believe it is having a positive impact on those who are active. I know it has had an impact on me. It’s time for me to step up, to lead, and to pursue greatness.
One thing is sure, I’m sure I will STRETCH as a result of this opportunity.