The Best of 2014: Top Stretched Post #2

2014 is rapidly coming to a close, and I thought it would be a good time to back at a few of the top posts from 2014.  Starting yesterday, I’m re-running the top 3 posts written and posted this year on The Stretched Blog.  It may surprise you to see which three made the top of the list.  On January 1st, I’ll provide more details on the top posts from 2014.  I hope you’ll take time to reread the excerpts from the posts and head back to the original posts to chime in on the comments.

My #2 post written in 2014 was posted on February 12th – “5 Things To Remember When We Say Or Do Something Stupid.”  While the post was written way back at the beginning of the year, I think it applies to many of our situations today.

Here’s and excerpt from the post.  Click here to read the whole post.

5 Things To Remember When We Say Or Do Something Stupid

This post is stupid.


What I mean, this post is all about how to respond when our words or actions are stupid.

We all do stupid things.

We do things we regret – things we’d like to take back.

We have all said something dumb.  Once we say it, we want to catch our words and stuff them back into our mouths.

We’ve even done something really ugly.  We’d like to go back in time and delete a scene from our life reel.  But it’s not that easy.

Read the rest of this post here!  And check back tomorrow for the #1 blog post of the year.

If you are a blogger, share a link to one of your top blog posts from 2014 in the comments below.

What was one of your favorite Stretched posts from the past year?