Steps in Sharing Your Faith 6 of 6

Step 6: Expect a Response

Verse: We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 2 Corinthians 5:20

My first though when I read this verse, is wow! God has chosen me to be His ambassador, His representative. What a privilege it is to be chosen in this way. The next thought that immediately crosses my mind is how in the world am I an adequate representative of the one true God? That’s when it’s important to review the previous five steps. One, pray! Two, depend on the Holy Spirit. Three, associate with people. Four, arouse interest by life. Five, stimulate interest by testimony.

God’s not expecting us to go at this whole sharing our faith thing alone. He is right there cheering us on and supporting us. Knowing we have this backup, how can we not expect a response.

So what kind of response can we expect? Hopefully, our faith sharing steps will result in positive steps forward for the recipient. Should we always expect a positive response? I say yes. For one, I’m a “glass is half full” kind of guy. Secondly, I truly believe God wants everyone to be saved and so should we. Will we always get a positive response? Probably not. People can be pretty stubborn and their hearts can be pretty hard. I do believe that my sharing our faith with others, we will grow. God is good!

Until the next post, think positive…