The other day, I was reading in I Kings 12 about a mistake made my King Solomon’s son, Rehoboam. After his father died, he became King of Israel. When confronted with an issue that could divide the kingdom, he chose not to listen to some of the older, wiser elders who had helped his father rule so wisely. Instead he decided to listen to what the young men had to say about the issue. As a result, Israel was split into two kingdoms – Judah and Israel.
This weekend, Leanne and I decided it was finally time to trade in our old vehicle in exchange for a new one. While I absolutely love the thrill of driving a new vehicle, I could certainly pass on the whole shopping and negotiation experience.
Today was not necessary the most fun day in the world. I started today knowing that I was heading for a big meeting at one of my projects – a meeting where heads could role. Before I went to bed last night, I prayed that God would allow this potentially volatile meeting to go well and to be effective in bringing closure and completeness to this project.
Sometimes, I feel a little bit like Tim “The Toolman” Taylor…
Yesterday, I attended two training sessions. The first was for our church’s Kids’ Camp Adventure Island
– kind of like a vacation bible school on steroids for kids 4 years old through 5th grade. The second was for our church’s Stretch Get Out of the Box Camp – a night time camp for middle school students.
Last week, our family took a mini-vacation to Washington D.C. We had an unbelievable time exploring the capital together.
One of the highlights was a visit to the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial. This memorial which was built in 1997 bases tribute to FDR and his actions throughout his four presidential terms.
Throughout the memorial there were FDR quotes carved into the walls. Here are a few that I thought I would share for you to ponder:
“The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.”
“We must scrupulously guard the civil rights and civil liberties of all citizens, whatever their background. We must remember that any oppression, any injustice, any hatred, is a wedge designed to attack our civilization.”
How is America living up to this today? How are you and I living up to this today?
More on our trip to DC to come….
Until the next post….
I’ve been contemplating doing the blog thing for some time. You might be wondering where the “Stretched” thing comes from. For starters, when I was in high school at Rancocas Valley Regional High School, I was short – 5’6″ to start my junior year. Since then, I’ve grown to almost 6’6″. Many of my friends started calling me Stretch.
On a more recent basis, I often feel “stretched” by all the things going on around me – career, marriage, parenting, church, running, reading, friendships, extended family, relationship with God, etc. (in no particular order). My hope is that this blog will provide an opportunity to express some of my “stretch marks” and to possibly hear your thoughts as well.
So here we go….
Until the next posting….