My Brother Erik
One of the great things about my vacation last week is that I got the chance to spend some time with my “little” brother Erik. Erik is 13 1/2 years younger than I am, so in many respects my relationship with him is interesting. This trip it really seemed like our relationship seemed to be transitioning more towards a brother type relationship as opposed to the more uncle-like relationship that it had for so many years growing up.
I’m extremely proud of my brother. He is an incredible musician and perhaps an even better song writer (you can check out his band’s website here). I’m proud that he has persevered through some of the struggles of his adolescence as he has entered into manhood. He truly seems to be wrestling now with what he wants to do with his life as he approaches the end of his college career.
I’m praying that Erik will first of all seek to deepen his relationship with Christ. I’m also praying that God would send a Christian woman into his life that is just right for him. Finally, I’m praying that Erik would find a career that he is passionate about and gives him opportunity to use his God given talents.
Until the next post…