Moving Forward (Terrie Thorpe)

Today’s guest post comes from Terrie Thorpe.  Terrie is part of The Network, a blogging community of Christ followers.  Terrie’s post shares her thoughts on moving forward.  Check out her post below and then hop on over to her blog.  Her bio and contact links appear at the end of the post.

Moving Forward


What keeps us moving forward? I have pondered this idea for sometime and this is what I come to conclude. For the Christian it is faith. But for those who do not hold to belief in Jesus, it is a form of self-motivation, ever reaching into the darkness of the future.

So what is this faith that we Christians cling to? Let me tell you what it is not:

1) It is not wishful thinking – crossing our fingers in hopes things will go right.

2) It is not an unfounded hope – believing in something impossible.

3) It is not blind – mindlessly following ancient teachings.

Faith is an uncompromising knowledge—at the heart level – of the truth of God. In the book of Hebrews, the writer expressed; “Faith is the confident assurance of what we hope for will happen. It is the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1) There is only one way to know this faith and its by a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus through His Holy Spirit.  “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” (Romans 10:17)

The reality of faith is action. We must move forward beyond perceived boundaries to reach our goals of maturity. When we believe Jesus and receive what He said is truth, we are born again. Being born again comes with many benefits including God’s own Spirit living in us. The Holy Spirit is who leads and guides us. We grow in faith through believing and acting on what the Word of God says.

In recent years the Lord has led me in many directions. I had hoped for several years to write about my relationship with Jesus. In time my faith grew enough to write and publish two books about my experiences. I shared many of my personal trials and victories through God’s grace and truth.

When I came to Jesus, I brought a lot of baggage. Several decades of issues and misconceptions about the Lord, the Holy Bible and my position as a believer. I discovered it was those issues which held me in bondage for the longest time and prevented me from living the full life Jesus purchased for me at the cross. It is the payment at the cross which set us free.

Over the years the Lord patiently assured me of His love and presence in my life. He led me to people who could clearly explain my issues and how to get rid of the strongholds in my life. The scriptures came alive and I began to discern how to apply truth to my misconceptions. Like the layers of an onion, the Lord went deeper and deeper to heal my hurts, pains, fears that prevented me from freely loving Him. I can not say that all my issues are healed, some raise their ugly heads, but now I have a better view of God’s love for me and understand I have a part to play – I must actively get rid of things the Lord shows me are lies or harmful.

John 10:10 says “The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy – but I have come so that you may have life to the full.”

I am still amazed to what extent the Lord will go to show me that He hears my prayers, knows my thoughts and desires. How He moves in others to bring love and hope to me in the smallest of ways, like free cup of coffee, when I didn’t have money; A smile or an encouraging word from a stranger. These are some of the ways I daily encounter God as His child and His friend.

How am I moving forward these days? Knowing that the Lord goes before me and protects my flank. Even when I can’t see the outcome, I know the Lord is with me and directing my footsteps. Using the skills (courage, faith, love and forgiveness) I have learned to defeat the evil that comes against me and letting the peace of God rule in my heart because I trust in Him.

How are you moving forward today?

Terrie Thorpe pic iconBio

This is a guest post by Terrie Thorpe: author, blogger and writer of Christian Living articles. Her books  “Am I Really Saved? Answering Questions of Christians” and “Footsteps of Jesus – Becoming a Disciple” are geared toward new Christians and those who have lost their way. Enjoys hiking, gardening, reading and sharing Jesus with the world!

Follow her blog: Light for the Journey