Many Hands Make Light Work

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.  Michael Jordan

Last night after dinner, I recruited my wife and my son to join me outside to cleanup one of our flower beds.  We gathered our tools from the shed – a wheelbarrow, a rake, a hedge trimmer, a straight-edged shovel, and three pairs of gloves.  Then we proceeded to the flower bed by our driveway.  We started by picking up the remains of last years flowers.  Then we raked up all the leaves that were left from the fall.  Finally, we cut a new straight edge between the flower bed and the grass in the front lawn.  It took a little time, but I was amazed at how quickly it went with three of us working on it together.

Have you heard the expression – many hands make light work?

This was obvious yesterday as we worked together and cleaned up the flower bed in about half an hour.

I confess that I am not always good at asking for help.  I go about tasks on my own.  The job goes much slower.  It doesn’t always get done as well.  And I miss out on the company of others.

We must learn to ask for others help.

We must learn to let others join us in our journey.

Last night, I was blessed with time with my family and a clean flower bed.  I’m glad I asked for help.

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.  Ecclesiastes 4:12

What are you trying to do these days?  What are you trying to accomplish all by yourself?

How might it help to ask for someone’s help?  Who do you need to ask for help?