Live and Learn – Ears and Eyes Wide Open and Mouth Closed Tight
But if you are going to wear blinders then you do not know the world.
Miriam Makeba
Yesterday, I learned something new about someone. I never would have known this fact if I wasn’t listening and observing.
So often, I go through my days with blinders over my eyes. I have tunnel vision as I pursue my own targets and objectives. Sure I hear what you are saying, but I’m not always listening.
It’s time to take off the blinders. It’s time to be present when we’re with other people.
We need to be in the room, but this is not all. We need to be in the relationship.
This happens by closing our mouths and by opening our ears and eyes.
Take time today to get to know someone a little better.
Take time today to really listen to those around you.
Be part of the conversation, and you will be surprised by what you learn.