It’s The Weekend! And What A Week It Was!

Wow!  That seemed like one crazy and busy week.  In real life, I literally had something going on every night of the week.  Monday was my wife’s birthday which we celebrated at On The Border.  Tuesday night, we volunteered with our H.O.P.E. group at our local nursing home.  Wednesday night, I met with my M.E.A.T. group.  Thursday night was an Awards Dinner for work.  And last night was Isaac’s first basketball practice and Hannah’s sleepover birthday party.  The weekend has several things going on, but I’m still hoping to catch some relaxation time.

It was also an exciting week for the blog.  Monday’s post finished off the blog spotlight with the letters T through Z.  Tuesday was an inspiring post about the Black and White notebooks that my daughter’s friends keep.  Wednesday’s post examined some of my thoughts about Joe Paterno and grace.  And I continued on Thursday by thinking out loud about grace and me.  Friday finished things off with a fun Ice Breaker about our encounters with famous people.

I just wanted to thank each of you for your contribution to the blog through comments.  It’s a real blessing to get your ideas and thoughts through this Stretched Community!  I just wanted to remind you all to take the take to Subscribe to the blog, so you can have Stretched delivered daily to your e-mail inbox.  Also, don’t forget to stop by the Jon Stolpe Stretched Facebook fan page.  Become a fan to keep up with some additional Stretched stuff.  Thanks!

How about you?  How was your week?  If you’re a blogger what happened over your way this week?  Did you read any great blog posts this week?  Share with the rest of us!