It’s The People – Back From Grove City College Homecoming

We just returned from a spectacular weekend at Grove City College.  The weather was uncharacteristically perfect – sunny with few clouds.  The campus was beautiful.  We continue to be blown away by all the enhancements and new buildings that keep popping up each time we visit.  The campus just keeps improving.  The homecoming festivities were traditionally fun.  We marched in the parade through campus and downtown Grove City with Leanne’s classmates.  We enjoyed a reunion luncheon.  And listened to the marching band march towards the football field during their pre-game ritual.  It was fun to give our kids a tour of all the places on campus that we remembered and that were new.  (Honestly, there was a bit more of a sales pitch going on this year than in other years.)  It’s hard to believe that our oldest is five years away from college.  (Did I just type that?!?)

All these things were great about our visit to Grove City College.  But the best thing by far was visiting with friends.  I got to visit with my friend, “Hack”, who roomed with me for two years and was the best man in our wedding.  Our time was short, but it was like old times as we shared some of our college days memories and caught up on some of the recent happenings of our families.  We also spent a lot of time with Leanne’s friends and their families.  In the 15 years since they graduated, Leanne’s friends have been keeping in touch through a monthly newsletter and through a once or twice a year get together.  The husbands of these ladies have become friends as well.  I absolutely enjoyed catching up these men.  And our kids had a blast hanging out together.

So while we enjoyed see Grove City College and its beautiful campus, the best part was the people.  Friendships of this quality and type are worth remembering and are worth celebrating.  I think the memories and the common Grove City ground help to bond these friendships, but I think it’s faith and the common bond of Christ that really has cemented many of these friendships that were formed more than 15 years ago.

As we finished up our time with Leanne’s friends at the hotel.  We cleaned up after breakfast, and we joined together in a small worship service.  We sang a few songs to the accompaniment of two guitars and a cello.  The kids participated in an activity designed to keep them preoccupied but also to help them think about how God is growing and shaping them.  And we finished with prayer together.  It was during this service that I realized how important our Grove City College friendships really were.  It was these friends who last year prayed every day at 1PM for Leanne and our family as we journeyed through some very difficult waters.  It was these friends who prayed yesterday and thanked God for healing.  It’s a wonderful thing to know that people have your back.  This is why I love Grove City College and why it was such a blessing to go back this weekend!

Do you go to your college homecoming?  How do you keep in touch with your friends from back in the day?