Ice Breaker – Black Friday

It’s that time of the weekend…time for an ice breaker question!  For those of you who are new or who forgot, ice breaker questions are used to help people get to know each other – to “break the ice” so to speak.  I love hearing what other people have to say and how they think.  So for today, I’m throwing out another simple ice breaker question.  I’ll answer it first, then it’s your turn.  Answer the question by leaving a comment for us all to enjoy.  Thanks!

Question:  Today is traditionally known as Black Friday – when retail companies go in the ‘black’.  Do you participate in the Black Friday madness?  Are you an early bird shopper?  What’s the hot item on your shopping list this year?

My Answer:  Here you go….

Honestly, I’m not a big shopper.  I don’t like the crowded stores.  I’m pretty skeptical about the “deals”.  Are they really deals anyway?  As far as getting up early, I get up early to run and blog – but not to shop.  As for the hot item on my list this year, how about the Red Rider BB gun?  Just kidding of course.

This year, we’re driving back from New York City where we spent a few days with our family – taking in the sights and sounds and running the Thanksgiving Marathon.  I’m looking forward to kicking off the Christmas season with some good food, some holiday music, and plenty of time with my family.

So there you have it, my answer to the question.  Now it’s your turn….