Ice Breaker – Billy Crystal (You Look Marvelous)
Each week on The Stretched Blog, I ask an ice breaker question. The questions are designed to help us get to know each other here in The Stretched Community. I’ll provide my answer to the question here in the post, and then you can leave your response in the comments. While you’re in the comments section, see how others answered the ice breaker question.
Today is Billy Crystal’s 66th birthday. You may know him for his role in movies like City Slickers or Parental Guidance. Or you make know him for his role as a host for the Oscars. Earlier in his career, he was part of the Saturday Night Live team where his character, Fernando, became famous. Fernando was famous for saying, “It’s not how you feel, it’s how you look. And you look marvelous.” Today’s question is inspired by this quote.
(I’m always looking for Ice Breaker question ideas. If you have an idea, send me an email at If I use your question, I’ll give you credit and share your links.)
Question: How do you feel today?
My Answer: By Friday, I generally feel tired. But honestly, I feel marvelous! I’m optimistic about the weekend ahead. I’m thankful for the week. And I am excited about some writing projects I’m working on these days. In particular, I’m looking forward to releasing an eBook this month called On Track – Life Lessons From The Track & Field. I have plenty of reasons to feel marvelous!
Happy Birthday, Billy Crystal!
Answer this week’s ice breaker question by leaving a comment. I look forward to reading your response! (As always, feel free to share links.) And keep STRETCHING!
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